I have been teaching for 8 years, with the last 5 being in Special Education. I have been fortunate to teach a number of age groups are in the Special Education space.

I have relished the time to learn so much and make some fantastic connections and opportunities when working with the students.


There are so many products I love!  As a teacher, I am always on the lookout for innovative new products.

Exploring different ways to support student’s wellbeing, especially when you regularly see, first hand, the impact that change or trauma has had on students and how different products or toys break down certain barriers for children when it comes to their learning. 


I guess that is effectively where the concept of the BUSTLE Bags grew out of.  I’ve witnessed how great deep pressure therapy is, so incorporating that into a backpack was something I really believed in and thought could make a difference. 

I also love using IT computer apps such as Sunshine Online and Clicker 5 and 6 on the interactive whiteboard and like to maintain an openness to any evidence based strategy/approach that will improve the learning outcomes for students.


I enjoy seeing students achieve their goals, including the small progressions and victories along the way. It makes all the hard, challenging parts all the more worthwhile.

I absolutely LOVE the Magazine ‘Source Kids’ which you can subscribe to for just $25.00 AUD per year, the content is amazing and I absolutely recommend it to any teacher teaching Special Needs.


So leading me back to my opening sentence, and probably my biggest belief in teaching – knowing the child and what they need to learn. I believe it is important to know all aspects of the child’s identity, physical, intellectual, social and emotional.

When this information is apparent there are so many different products that are around that are appropriate, interesting and stimulating for the child.

Emily Whish-Wilson

Founder – Bustle Bags